The company is categorised as a Category B investment given it is undertaking activities with minimal or limited ESG impacts. At Food Concepts, Environmental and Social Responsibility (ESR) extends well beyond a few initiatives that are supported annually. It is a culture and an attitude that exists within the fabric of the company’s way of doing business. The company recognises its responsibility to support the communities and environments in which it operates and to ensure that it impacts them positively.
Since its inception, Food Concepts has believed in the need to inspire, educate and uplift children so that they are better equipped to become productive and employable members of society. On this basis, one of the ESR focus areas is on educational initiatives. In the spirit of promoting entrepreneurship and work, the company has partnered with several schools in Lagos to promote guided tours of its Central Kitchen and Pie Production departments. Students are also invited into the restaurants to educate them on the processes around food production within a Chicken Republic Restaurant. The company has also always supported Sickle Cell Anaemia to provide aid to individuals with the Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria.